Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki

Avian Fields is a name given to the region of fields near the center of Panoulis, just north and east of the Beta forest and Avylon but south and west of the Black and Omicron rivers. It is home to many different varieties of birds that have resided there since time immemorial. According to Demiurgism, these fields are what remain of the grand mountain's foundation since the rage of Konyus tore the stone away.


Few of the sapient races call this place home, as the flocks of birds make it difficult to create a stable settlement without proper protection. Bether and Tilmouth are the only cities in this region, though they lie in the outer reaches of the area. The Temple of Konyus lies in one of the fields most plagued by birds, and has proven itself to be a worrisome destination for pilgrimages.


From the center of the field, flat grassland rolls away gently in every direction. Almost the entire region is flat and is only intermittently dotted with trees and shrubbery. Birds of this field are a curious sort - they make burrows in the ground that are almost invisible to passersby.

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The geography of Panoulis


Greater: Windswept PlainsBurning DesertTitanic MountainsAvylonThe WastesPhlegethon desert
Lesser: Dwarven HillsAvian Fields

Water bodies: GodsmirrorFahldenn oceanLake AvydosWestern LakeShadowed Sea
Rivers: Heaven'sSerpentineBlackOmicronSteikolosBelzecFeywildernSyvotaImitrine
Islands: AzuriaBreckenDelserRuglindenSturden
Mountains: Stormshield (Arctis-Mon) ▪ AlreddEbesan RidgeEmber (Balerion) ▪ TitanicSorrowspine
Forests: WitchwoodMeeodanFaeIronwoodSavage WildsAmberwood forestTwisted Wood
