Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki


Race template


Starting stats

Strength: -2
Dexterity: 0

Constitution: -1
Intelligence: 0

Bonus combat stat points: -2

Noncombat skills

Interpersonality: -1
Trickery: 0

Survival: 0
Education: -1

Bonus skill points: 0

Offensive stats

Size: -

Speed: -
Initiative mod: -

Defensive stats

HP mod: -

The child race template is used for characters who have not yet reached an age of complete physical and mental maturity for their race.

 v - t - e

[Show/hide] Races v - t - e


Playable races

Human ▪ Chimeric (BugbearDryadFaerieHobgoblinMolemanMinotaurOrc) ▪ DwarfElfGiantGoblinGreywightKoboldMagical construct (ElementalSoulbound) ▪ ShadowfolkTrollÆthereal

Race templates

ChildUndead (DirekinLich)

Extinct races

OcrisianWorld Noble

Unplayable races
