Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki
Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki

The Direkin are a distinct group of cursed Humanoids who inhabit Panoulis. They are generally considered to be monsters and are not accepted into society, and as such most Direkin live in groups in far away from civilized lands. The direkin were created by the vampiric king Friedrick Ruthven in order to sow discord and bloodshed throughout Avylon, but since his defeat they have spread across much of the known world. The direkin plague is a serious problem in many lands, and entire organizations have formed in a dedicated effort to exterminate them, though these efforts have met with varied success.

Direkinism is a race template.


Direkin vary in form, but are generally malformed creatures bearing obvious bestial characteristics. Some direkin are even known to develop wings or gain the ability to shapeshift into multiple forms. Older and more intelligent direkin can appear human, and these elder beasts are sometimes even mistaken for vampires.

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Playable races

Human ▪ Chimeric (BugbearDryadFaerieHobgoblinMolemanMinotaurOrc) ▪ DwarfElfGiantGoblinGreywightKoboldMagical construct (ElementalSoulbound) ▪ ShadowfolkTrollÆthereal

Race templates

ChildUndead (DirekinLich)

Extinct races

OcrisianWorld Noble

Unplayable races
