Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki
Fairytale forest by guillaumem2-d41lbwy

The Fae Forests are a massive expanse of wilds in the northeast part of the world. The animals and plants here grow abnormally large, and many strange creatures seen no where else in the world live in these regions. It is almost mostly uncharted, as those Humans who travel here rarely survive with their sanity intact. The Fae Forest is often cited as the place where most of the world's more monstrous creatures come from, such as Chimeras or Direkin. Some of the older and more power monsters of the Fae Lands are capable of human speech, and can even take human form. There are even cases of Fae creatures taking human form and having children with humans who live in the regions outside of the great wilds. Many legends abound concerning the wilds, and some of the world's greatest non-human threats have originated here.

The Fae forests have a wide assortment of creatures, including Faeries who are native to this region. Despite its proximity to the Plane of Life, not everything here is all candy and sunshine. There are extremely violent and dangerous creatures here, many of which are quite intelligent and capable of human speech or form. Some areas of the Fae Lands are twisted and corrupted, reflections of the natures of some of the more powerful creatures living in the great wilds.

The Fae lands have little to no humans living in them, and only scattered and small populations near the outskirts due to the predatory nature of many beasts within the wild forests.

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The geography of Panoulis


Greater: Windswept PlainsBurning DesertTitanic MountainsAvylonThe WastesPhlegethon desert
Lesser: Dwarven HillsAvian Fields

Water bodies: GodsmirrorFahldenn oceanLake AvydosWestern LakeShadowed Sea
Rivers: Heaven'sSerpentineBlackOmicronSteikolosBelzecFeywildernSyvotaImitrine
Islands: AzuriaBreckenDelserRuglindenSturden
Mountains: Stormshield (Arctis-Mon) ▪ AlreddEbesan RidgeEmber (Balerion) ▪ TitanicSorrowspine
Forests: WitchwoodMeeodanFaeIronwoodSavage WildsAmberwood forestTwisted Wood
