Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki
Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki

The Fahldenn ocean is an ocean located in south-central Panoulis. It is home to six islands, including the one where the Polis Academia is located. The sea monsters Karkinos, Charybdis, and Scylla all call parts of the Fahldenn Ocean home. The ocean joins Panoulis to the Plane of Water.

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The geography of Panoulis


Greater: Windswept PlainsBurning DesertTitanic MountainsAvylonThe WastesPhlegethon desert
Lesser: Dwarven HillsAvian Fields

Water bodies: GodsmirrorFahldenn oceanLake AvydosWestern LakeShadowed Sea
Rivers: Heaven'sSerpentineBlackOmicronSteikolosBelzecFeywildernSyvotaImitrine
Islands: AzuriaBreckenDelserRuglindenSturden
Mountains: Stormshield (Arctis-Mon) ▪ AlreddEbesan RidgeEmber (Balerion) ▪ TitanicSorrowspine
Forests: WitchwoodMeeodanFaeIronwoodSavage WildsAmberwood forestTwisted Wood
