Craftsmen and Chimeras Wiki

The Titanic Mountains are a huge mountain range in southwestern Panoulis, near the Savage Wilds and west the Fahldenn ocean. The mountain range itself is the tincture of the Plane of Earth, though it overlaps the tinctures of the Planes of Cold and Lightning.

The northern parts of the Titanic Mountains are inhabited by Dwarves, who build their cities within the massive mountains. The colder central and southern parts of the mountains are inhabited by Giants. These Dwarves and Giants, joined by the Elves of the Savage Wilds, formed the force that subjugated Avylon and formed the Avylonian Empire.

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The geography of Panoulis


Greater: Windswept PlainsBurning DesertTitanic MountainsAvylonThe WastesPhlegethon desert
Lesser: Dwarven HillsAvian Fields

Water bodies: GodsmirrorFahldenn oceanLake AvydosWestern LakeShadowed Sea
Rivers: Heaven'sSerpentineBlackOmicronSteikolosBelzecFeywildernSyvotaImitrine
Islands: AzuriaBreckenDelserRuglindenSturden
Mountains: Stormshield (Arctis-Mon) ▪ AlreddEbesan RidgeEmber (Balerion) ▪ TitanicSorrowspine
Forests: WitchwoodMeeodanFaeIronwoodSavage WildsAmberwood forestTwisted Wood
