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The Windswept Plains are a region lying far to the north of the Avylonian Kingdoms. They are so named for the strong winds that blow eastward across the region, almost unceasingly. They are inhabited primarily by Humans but have a small population of Shadowfolk, due to their proximity to Antrissa.


The region is most fertile in its easternmost parts, and grows less fertile (and also drier) the farther westward one looks. At the very east of the region lie grasslands, which fade into moorlands near the region's center, before finally fading towards an arid climate almost resembling a desert at the region's westernmost extreme. This westernmost area has been so eroded by winds and now-dried up rivers that it is now crisscrossed with small ravines.

Digdin's Eyes[]

Main article: Digdin's Eyes

At the farthest north regions of the plains, crater-like indentations in the ground begin to appear, which eventually break through the bottom of the world into thin air. Eventually, the land retreats to a few small outcroppings and islands. This is the border to the Plane of Air.


In the easternmost areas of the region, somewhat fertile grassland supports large grazing animals such as bison and wild horses, as well as larger predators such as the windroc. Close proximity to the Meeodan rainforest promotes a variety of overgrown, invasive species such as the giant venomsloth.

To the west, the Windswept Plains' moorlands make it inhospitable to most large animals. A multitude of bird species do thrive there, feeding on small reptiles and mammals. Human settlement tends to be focused on this central region, where hunting and foraging are both relatively easy, although the endemic blind viper and other poisonous snakes and ground-dwelling spiders do pose some danger to humans.

Desert-like conditions in the westernmost area of the Windswept plains in combination with gale-force winds that run unmitigated through the relatively flat landscape render it almost uninhabited. Underground lichen-feeding reptiles and gophers, as well as the occasional small predatory cat, form the basis of this sparse ecosystem.


The Windswept Plains are only sparsely inhabited, and most of its inhabitants are concentrated in cities settled in the western ravines which were created in order to mine the extensive coelum deposits exposed by these ravines. The most notable such city is Seraphim.

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The geography of Panoulis


Greater: Windswept PlainsBurning DesertTitanic MountainsAvylonThe WastesPhlegethon desert
Lesser: Dwarven HillsAvian Fields

Water bodies: GodsmirrorFahldenn oceanLake AvydosWestern LakeShadowed Sea
Rivers: Heaven'sSerpentineBlackOmicronSteikolosBelzecFeywildernSyvotaImitrine
Islands: AzuriaBreckenDelserRuglindenSturden
Mountains: Stormshield (Arctis-Mon) ▪ AlreddEbesan RidgeEmber (Balerion) ▪ TitanicSorrowspine
Forests: WitchwoodMeeodanFaeIronwoodSavage WildsAmberwood forestTwisted Wood
